Something Good In This World.

I had a little anecdote all geared up and ready for you folks yesterday, but in the wake of the tragedy in Boston, to write about burnt popcorn and my inability to properly use our office refrigerator felt a bit insolent. To be quite honest, I’ve felt a giant myriad of emotions in the last few days as I have been reminded in several instances how unsafe the world can be, both locally and across the nation. I find myself overwhelmingly tempted to  pull an Alice, jump straight into the Rabbit Hole and completely check out of reality or perhaps worse, become so focused on the disparity of humanity that I forget that there is still good in this world. It’s a temptation I face almost daily walking the streets of Skid Row, there is a lot of pain here…but just as was seen in the faces of the heroes clambering to helps victims of yesterday’s attack, there is also a staggering amount of light to behold in the world as well and I count myself blessed to be able to get a glimpse of it, when I am not too lost in myself to see it (which unfortunately is much more often than I’d like to admit). If you feel so inclined, I’d love to hear where you see that light, that love, that goodness. Let’s encourage each other today.

This morning, I came across this song (Oh Twitter, you’ve done it again, pal.) and was profoundly encouraged by it’s poignancy and relevance. May you be as well.


7 thoughts on “Something Good In This World.

  1. This is such a great post! Especially after the recent events. It can be so hard to see the good through all the bad sometimes, but we just have to appreciate the little things, even if that is just someone holding a door open for you, a old couple holding hands in the park, or a random stranger telling you to have a good day. There are a million bad things that happen everyday to everyone, but there are tens of millions other good things that happen as well, we just have to remember to notice them and do our part, as you are doing, as well.


    1. Thank you! I TOTALLY agree, it’s the little glimmers of light throughout the day that can often make the biggest impact. Two of my favorites; the curtesy wave a driver gives when you let them in front of you and the half-walk/half-run people do to hurry out of the crosswalk when you are waiting to turn. They are such small and silly gestures, but for some reason they bring me such joy!


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